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Human Ub-Prg Ubiquitinated Proteins Catalog Number U1040

Ub-Prg,Catalog Number: U1040,Lyophilized,Purity95%,Molecular Weight:8588.79 Ubiquitin-Prg is C-terminally propargylated Ub. Ub-Prg (also called Ub-PA) can react with the active Cys of DUBs through 1,2-addition to produce a stable vinyl thioether product. To explain regulatory mechanisms, Ub-Prg was used to capture the catalytic conformation by which RPN13DEUBAD activates UCH-L5; and the catalytic conformation that truncated INO80DEUBAD lacks to inhibit UCH-L5.


Ubiquitin (Ub) is ubiquitous. This small, 76-residue protein is used to mark cellular proteins for degradation by the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Two key enzyme families, Ub ligases and deubiquitylation enzymes (DUBs), are responsible for putting on and taking off these Ub units and controlling the overall protein population of the cell. As you might imagine, this dynamic process is important, and dysregulation can lead to an array of bad things. Thus, understanding