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H3K9me2 Histones Proteins Epigenetics Catalog Number H3105

H3K9me2 Catalog Number H3105 Lyophilized Store At -20C Or -80C Chemically synthesized histone H3 protein, corresponding to residues within 1-135 of human histone H3, dimethylation at K9. H3K9me2 is strongly associated with transcriptional repression. H3K9me2 levels are higher at silent compared to active genes in a 10kb region surrounding the transcriptional start site. H3K9me2 represses gene expression both passively, by prohibiting acetylation and therefore binding of RNA

H3-K64ac Human Histones Proteins Catalog Number H3203

H3-K64ac Catalog Number H3203 Lyophilized Store At -20C Or -80C Chemically synthesized histone H3 protein, corresponding to residues within 1-135 of human histone H3, acetylation at K64. Histone H3 is reported to be acetylated at Lys64 (H3K64ac) by p300 co-activator. In addition, H3K64ac is found enriched at the transcriptional start sites of active genes, consistent with a transcriptional activation modification opposite of its repressive counterpart H3K64me3.

H3K36me1 Histones Proteins Methylation And Acetylation Catalog Number H3110

H3K36me1 Catalog Number H3110 Lyophilized Store At -20C Or -80C Chemically synthesized histone H3 protein, corresponding to residues within 1-135 of human histone H3, monomethylation at K36. The methylation of H3K36 has particularly had effects in transcriptional repression, alternative splicing, dosage compensation, DNA replication and repair, DNA methylation, and the transmission of the memory of gene expression from parents to offspring during development. set2 mutants

H3-S10ph Histones Proteins Catalog Number H3301

H3-S10ph Catalog Number H3301 Lyophilized Store At -20C Or -80C Chemically synthesized histone H3 protein, corresponding to residues within 1-135 of human histone H3, acetylation at K122. H3K122ac can be sufficient to stimulate transcription and that mutation of H3K122 impairs transcriptional activation. H3K122ac defines genome-wide genetic elements and chromatin features associated with active transcription. H3K122ac is catalyzed by the coactivators p300/CBP and can be

CENPA-S68ph Histones Proteins Catalog Number C16368

CENPA-S68ph Catalog Number C16368 Lyophilized Store At -20C Or -80C Synthesized peptide corresponding to residues within 1-140 of CENP A with phosphorylation S68 modification. Histone modifications are associated with distinct transcription states and serve as heritable epigenetic markers for chromatin structure and function. Phosphorylation of Ser68 eliminates the binding of CENP-A to the assembly factor HJURP, thus preventing the premature loading of CENP-A to the

H3-K4me1 Lyophilized Histones H3 Protein Catalog Number H3101 Store At -20°C Or -80°C

H3-K4me1,Lyophilized,Catalog Number: H3101,Store at -20C or -80C Chemically synthesized histone H3 protein, corresponding to residues within 1-135 of human histone H3, monomethylation at K4. H3K4me1 is an epigenetic modification to the DNA packaging protein Histone H3. It is a mark that indicates the mono-methylation at the 4th lysine residue of the histone H3 protein and often associated with gene enhancers. H3K4me1 is enriched at active and primed enhancers. Transcription

Synthesized Human H4K20ac Histone H1 H2 H3 H4 Catalog Number H4204

H4-K20ac Catalog Number H4204 Lyophilized Store At -20C Or -80C Chemically synthesized histone H4 protein, corresponding to residues within 1-102 of human histone H4, acetylation at K20. Histone modifications are associated with distinct transcription states and serve as heritable epigenetic markers for chromatin structure and function. H4K20ac is associated with gene repression in human cells. Unlike H3K9me3, a constitutive heterochromatin mark, H4K20ac was less associated

KS-V H4K20me2 Histone H4 Protein Catalog Number H4101

H4-K20me2 Catalog Number H4101 Lyophilized Store At -20C Or -80C Chemically synthesized histone H4 protein, corresponding to residues within 1-102 of human histone H4, dimethylation at K20. Histone modifications are associated with distinct transcription states and serve as heritable epigenetic markers for chromatin structure and function. H4K20me2 is the most common methylation state on histone H4 and was one of the earliest modified histone residues to be identified back

H3K9me3 H3 Histone Modification Catalog Number H3106

H3K9me3 Catalog Number H3106 Lyophilized Store At -20C Or -80C Chemically synthesized histone H3 protein, corresponding to residues within 1-135 of human histone H3, trimethylation at K9. H3K9me3 is an epigenetic modification to the DNA packaging protein Histone H3. It is a mark that indicates the tri-methylation at the 9th lysine residue of the histone H3 protein and is often associated with heterochromatin. Nomenclature Abbr. Meaning H3 H3 family of histones K standard

H3K36me2 Histone DNA Catalog Number H3111 Lyophilized

H3-K36me2 Catalog Number H3111 Lyophilized Store At -20C Or -80C Chemically synthesized histone H3 protein, corresponding to residues within 1-135 of human histone H3, dimethylation at K36. H3K36me2 is an epigenetic modification to the DNA packaging protein Histone H3. It is a mark that indicates the di-methylation at the 36th lysine residue of the histone H3 protein. NSD1-mediated H3K36me2 is required for the recruitment of DNMT3A and maintenance of DNA methylation at

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