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The search yielded  (3)  results

H3-K122ac Human Histone H3 acetylation Catalog Number H3204

H3-K122ac Catalog Number H3204 Lyophilized Store At -20C Or -80C Chemically synthesized histone H3 protein, corresponding to residues within 1-135 of human histone H3, acetylation at K122. H3K122ac can be sufficient to stimulate transcription and that mutation of H3K122 impairs transcriptional activation. H3K122ac defines genome-wide genetic elements and chromatin features associated with active transcription. H3K122ac is catalyzed by the coactivators p300/CBP and can be

H3-S10ph Histones Proteins Catalog Number H3301

H3-S10ph Catalog Number H3301 Lyophilized Store At -20C Or -80C Chemically synthesized histone H3 protein, corresponding to residues within 1-135 of human histone H3, acetylation at K122. H3K122ac can be sufficient to stimulate transcription and that mutation of H3K122 impairs transcriptional activation. H3K122ac defines genome-wide genetic elements and chromatin features associated with active transcription. H3K122ac is catalyzed by the coactivators p300/CBP and can be

H3-T118ph Synthesized Histone H3 Protein Acetylation Catalog Number H3302

H3-T118ph Catalog Number H3302 Lyophilized Store At -20C Or -80C Chemically synthesized histone H3 protein, corresponding to residues within 1-135 of human histone H3, acetylation at K122. H3K122ac can be sufficient to stimulate transcription and that mutation of H3K122 impairs transcriptional activation. H3K122ac defines genome-wide genetic elements and chromatin features associated with active transcription. H3K122ac is catalyzed by the coactivators p300/CBP and can be